Welcome to the
Friends of Harold Wood Parks
Upcoming events
To be advised
• To rebuild the Harold Wood Park play site: achieved!
• To re-establish the play area in Painesbrook Park.
• To develop contacts with sports clubs and other local community groups.
• To work with the police to tackle local antisocial behaviour and activities.
• To work together to make our parks and locality places to be proud of.
Progress Report
The tennis courts are in the process of being completely re-furbished, with new fencing, surfacing and nets. The 4th court is being redesigned as a multi-ball court, with a half-pipe for BMX bikes and skateboards. A teenage shelter is planned for nearby, with a second shelter in the playground.
A Sensory Garden has been under discussion and a site visit held but this is on hold at the moment.
We have applied for lottery funding, under the BBC’s ‘Breathing Places’ scheme, to adopt the area behind the playground as a conservation area.
We are still striving to get improvements made at Painesbrook Park and hope to learn shortly that the Council has allocated funding for refurbishments there.
We are also in the process of setting up a ParkWatch scheme in both parks.
If you would like to become a LIFE MEMBER of the group
please click here to download a form (it only costs a £1 to join for ever)
Karen Winters is the Harold Wood CC representative on the FoHWP committee and she would be very willing to answer any questions that you may have about the group.
Clink on links below for more information
A Brief History of the Friends of Harold Wood Parks
Committee members of FoHWP
Picture Page