Harold Wood Cricket Club – Club Constituition


 1.0 The club shall be called Harold Wood Cricket Club and hereafter referred to as ‘the club’. 

2.0 The club colours shall be green and gold. 

3.0 The purposes of the club are: 

• To provide facilities and promote the amateur sport of cricket in Harold Wood and surrounding areas and to promote community participation in the same. 

• To ensure that all members, playing and non-playing, abide by the ECB Code of Conduct which incorporates the Spirit of Cricket and by the Laws of Cricket.

 • To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club by adopting and implementing the ECB ‘Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’ and any future versions of the Policy.

 • To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club by adopting and implementing the ECB Cricket Equity Policy and any future versions of the Policy. 

• To encourage all members to participate fully in the activities of the club. 

3.1 Affiliation 

  • The Club is affiliated to the England and Wales Cricket Board through the Essex Cricket Board.

  • The Club and its members shall ensure that members, playing and non-playing, abide by the ECB Code of Conduct which incorporates the Spirit of Cricket and by the Laws of Cricket.

  • The Club shall adopt and implement the ECB Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and any future versions of the policy.  The Club must also have a separate club safeguarding Policy Statement, as required by the ECB.

  • The Club shall adopt and implement the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code of Conduct and any future versions of this policy.

4.0 Membership of the club shall consist of President, Vice-Presidents, Life Members, Senior and Academy playing members, Non-playing members and Associate members. 

4.1 Membership shall be open to all, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. 

(a) Application for membership of the club shall be by completion of a membership application form and by payment of the relevant subscription/joining fees as determined by the Annual General Meeting of the club. 

(b) The club Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the club or cricket into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the Committee who shall appoint an Appeals Committee to hear the appeal. 

(c ) All members will be subject to the regulations of the Constitution and by joining the club will be deemed to accept these regulations and any Codes of Conduct that the club has adopted. 

4.2 All Associate playing members and those Academy members who have not attained the age of 16 on or before the day of the General Meeting may not vote or stand for office. 

4.3 At a General Meeting the following shall be eligible to vote: President, Vice-Presidents, Life Members, Senior and Non-playing members and some Academy playing members, all of whom must have paid the appropriate annual subscription as determined at the previous General Meeting. 

5.0 All members shall be given not less than 28 days notice in writing of the date, venue, time and agenda for each General Meeting, together with any Management Committee nominations for officers, subscriptions and proposed amendments to rules. 5.1 All nominations for officers must be submitted in writing to the Secretary no later than 7 days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting. They must be signed by the proposer, seconder and nominee. Any other nominations will be accepted only at the discretion of the Chairman. 

6.0 An Annual General Meeting shall be held each calendar year. 

6.1 The order of business at the meeting shall be as follows:- 

a) Apologies for absence. b) Minutes of the previous AGM or any Special General Meetings held subsequent to the previous AGM. c) Presentation of the Development Plan. d) Chairman’s report. e) Secretary’s report. f) Treasurer’s report. g) Club Captains’ reports. h) Delegates’ Report. i) Election of: President Vice-Presidents Life Members Management Committee Sub-Committee Members Club Captain Team Captains and Vice Captains Auditors. j) Determination of subscriptions, match fees and any levies. k) Any other business. 

7.0 The club shall be administered by a Management Committee. 

7.1 The Management Committee shall consist of: 





Fixture Secretary 

Team Secretary 

Academy Director 

Playing Committee Chairman 

Harold Wood Sports Association Representatives x 3 

Social Secretary 

Club Captain (Saturday 1st XI Captain) 

Membership Secretary 

Sponsorship Secretary 

Women and Girls’ Co-ordinator 

Club Welfare Officer 

Development Plan Officer 

Disability Co-ordinators 

Members co-opted for tasks approved by the Management Committee. Such members may not vote at Management Committee meetings. 

7.2 The Management Committee shall have the power to replace any member who does not attend three consecutive meetings or who in their opinion is not fulfilling their position in a satisfactory manner. 

8.0 The selection of teams, excluding Academy teams, will be the responsibility of the selection sub-committee. 

8.1 The selection sub-committee shall consist of a Playing Committee Chairman, all Team Captains and Team Secretary. 

8.2 In the absence of a Captain, only his Vice Captain may deputise. 

9.0 The Academy sub-committee will be responsible for the selection of all Academy teams and as directed by the Management Committee, for matters concerning Academy playing members. 

9.1 The Academy sub-committee shall consist of a selection committee representative, Secretary and at least two other members. 

10.0 A Special General Meeting of the club shall be called by the Secretary within 28 days of receipt of a written application signed by at least 10 members of the club for the sole purpose specified in such application. The Secretary shall give all members at least 21 days’ notice in writing of the date, venue and agenda of such meeting. 

11.0 A minimum of 50% of annual subscriptions must be paid by the second Saturday in May with the remainder paid by the second Saturday in July. Failure to comply with either will result in non-selection.

11 A minimum of 50% of annual subscriptions must be paid by the second Saturday in May with the remainder paid by the second Saturday in July. Failure to comply with either will result in non-selection.

12.0 If any member refuses to comply with these rules or standing orders of the club, or in the view of the Management Committee be guilty of any gross misconduct, he/she may be expelled by the Management Committee at any time. Any member to have so offended shall be informed in writing and shall be given the opportunity to state their case. 

13.0 These rules and standing orders shall govern the conduct of the club and be binding on all members. 

13.1 No alterations shall be made to the rules except at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for the purpose. 

13.2 Any proposed alterations to the rules or standing orders should be proposed and seconded by members and submitted in writing to the Secretary no later than 7 days before the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting. 

14.0 The Club shall be non profit making. Any surplus or gains must be re-invested in the Club and no distribution of club assets, in cash or in kind may be made to members third-parties. This does not prevent donations to Charities or other clubs registered as Community amateur sports clubs. 

15.0 A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at an EGM or AGM through a majority vote by the membership. In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain shall become the property of the Essex County Cricket Board, or a club, organisation or registered charity as determined by the members attending the EGM or AGM.

Standing Orders 

1.0 No less than 20 members shall form a quorum at any General Meeting. Five members shall form a quorum at a Management Committee meeting and three members a quorum at any sub-committee meeting. 

2.0 Only those members present at the time of voting shall be allowed to vote. 

3.0 The method of voting on all matters arising at any meeting shall be at the discretion of the Chairman of said meeting. However, if 10 members or more request a secret ballot, that method shall be used. 

4.0 The Chairman’s ruling on the interpretation of the standing orders and rules of the club, or on points of order, shall be final. 

5.0 The Chairman will not vote on any matter apart from that upon which the committee or meeting are divided. The Chairman will decide whether the proposition stands or fails. 

6.0 The Secretary will maintain a register of all matters discussed at Management Committee meetings and will receive minutes from all other meetings.

 7.0 Each sub-committee will appoint a Secretary who will maintain minutes for each meeting.