Harold Wood Cricket Club – Child Protection

ECB welfare information

Child Protection Notice


Harold Wood Cricket Club – Safeguarding Policy Statement 

Harold Wood Cricket Club (The Club) is committed to ensuring all Children (i.e all persons under the age of 18 ) participating in cricket have a safe and positive experience. 

We do this by:

 1) Putting things in place 

2) Having the Right People in Place 

3) What do you do if you have a concern? 

4) Cricket Specific Guidance 

1) Putting things in place 

We recognising all children participating in cricket (regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability) have the right to have fun and be protected from harm in a safe environment. 

We ensure individuals working within cricket at, or for, our club provide a welcoming, safe, and fun experience for children.

We provide an environment where the views of children, parents and volunteers are sought and welcomed on a range of issues.

This will help us create an environment where people have the opportunity to voice any concerns (about possible suspected child abuse/neglect, and/or about poor practice) to the Club Welfare Officer. 

We Adopt and implement the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) “Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children”. 

We ensure all individuals working within cricket at, or for, the club are recruited and appointed in accordance with ECB guidelines and relevant legislation.

 2) Having the Right People in Place 

Appointing a Club Welfare Officer and ensuring they attend training modules required by the ECB, Our Club Welfare Officer’s details are below - 

Name –  Rob Netting

Email address – robert.netting@axaxl.com

Phone Number – 07917217950

Club Welfare Officers Role 

As the first point of contact for parents, children and volunteers/staff within the club - As a local source of procedural advice for the club, its committee and members.

As the main point of contact within the club for the ECB County Welfare Officer and the ECB Safeguarding Team.

As the main point of contact within the club for relevant external agencies in connection with child safeguarding. 

Ensuring correct and comprehensive reporting procedures exist for raising and managing child safeguarding concerns. 

3) What do you do if you have a concern? 

We ensure all suspicions, concerns and allegations are taken seriously and dealt with swiftly and appropriately. 

We ensure access to confidential information relating to child safeguarding matters, is restricted to those who need to know, in order to safeguard children – including the Club Welfare Officer and the appropriate external authorities, such as the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), as specified within ECB child safeguarding procedures. 

4) Cricket Specific Advice 

We ensure all individuals working within cricket at, or for, the club are provided with support, through education and training, so they are aware of, and can adhere to, good practice and Code of Conduct guidelines defined by the ECB, and the club. 

We ensure all people who work in cricket at, or for, our club (such as staff, officials, volunteers, team managers, coaches and so on) understand how the “Safe Hands Policy” applies to them.

Date Completed - June 2020

Completed By - Thomas Clarke - Chairman 

First Aid and Emergency Procedures

Wherever possible more than one adult should be in attendance when administering first aid to injuries. First aid equipment will be available at the clubs premises. An accident report book is provided in each first aid kit. Parents and guardians will be informed immediately of any injury or illness.

Whenever there is injury or illness the following guidelines should be followed:

·       Stay calm but act swiftly and observe the situation. Is there danger of further injuries?

·       Listen to what the injured person is saying

·       Alert the first aider who should take appropriate action for minor injuries

·       In the event of a serious injury, call the emergency services

·       Deal with the rest of the group and ensure they are adequately supervised

·       Do not move someone with major injuries, wait for the emergency services

·       Contact the injured persons parent/guardian

·       Fill in the accident report book

Details of nearest services:

Accident & Emergency:

Queens Hospital, Rom Valley Way, Romford, RM7 0AE – Tel. 01708 435000

Matches and Practice

The club will ensure that a minimum of two qualified coaches are always present at colts training sessions.

No junior member will be allowed to play hard ball cricket without appropriate adult supervision. Specifically, practice in the nets can only be conducted with the authority of the coaches, and then it is subject to the junior cricketer's abilities.

Appropriate protective clothing and kit must be worn. Coaches and volunteers have the right to prohibit any junior from playing or practicing if they are not satisfied that this requirement is met. 

The following directives and guidelines shall apply for games, nets and practice sessions:

The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) Fast Bowling Directive and

Safety Guidance on the Wearing of Cricket Helmets by Young Players

It is the clubs policy to encourage all junior members to wear helmets regardless of the parental consent option.

The club is committed to ensuring that colts are able to enjoy developing their cricket skills and having fun in an environment which is safe, and encourages the support of club members and colts parents.

Recruitment and Training of Coaches and Volunteers

All of the coaches at Harold Wood C.C. have ECB qualifications, and are members of the ECB Coaches Association.  All have undertaken Good Practice and Child Protection training a First Aid Course and have current Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) disclosures.

Any volunteers assisting with the coaching or regular contact with the junior members, have signed self declaration forms which have been checked by the Club Welfare Officer.


Click on the following link for our Anti-Bullying Policy

Rob Netting

Club Welfare Officer

On behalf of Harold Wood C.C. Management Committee